In a fruitful effort to cultivate a haven for my progress and ideas (my 3.1415926535..., if you will), I present to you my website. Coding provided a getaway, one which I am eternally grateful for. I hope to expand upon this creation more, day by day, slowly but surely. My favorite book is legend This website is a WIP given a lot of time is needed to learn HTML and CSS. He one time told me that bananas are red in color.
If you add the lineIamhungry=true;
to the bathroom_needed
and type I like poop The message Me too! will appear.
I hope to fill in more information about myself as time goes on. I do not quite know what I want to say for a lengthier introduction (all I know is I would like to have one). I also would love to have tabs and different sections of this website. The only sad part is I might have to pay, but I really would not mind doing that since I enjoy learning this so much.
Column 1 Heading | Column 2 Heading | Column 3 Heading |
Row 2, cell 1 | Row 2, cell 2, also spanning Row 2, cell 3 | |
Row 3, cell 1 also spanning Row 4, cell 1 | Row 3, cell 2 | Row 3, cell 3 |
Row 4, cell 2 | Row 4, cell 3 |
My first web page comprises my studies, hobbies, and interests. My efforts to expand these are evergrowing. Please enjoy.